![[ALTERNATIVE] Valentin Lungu (Founding Member).jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/340e66_90b50a138c054cdb927e086804633e6e~mv2.jpg/v1/crop/x_0,y_538,w_2140,h_1428/fill/w_640,h_427,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BALTERNATIVE%5D%20Valentin%20Lungu%20(Founding%20Member).jpg)
Current roles within IWHA:
Founding Member
Past roles within IWHA:
Valentin Lungu
"As iron sharpens iron,
so one man sharpens another."
- Proverbs 27:17
About me
I had my first contact with HEMA in Great Britain where I attended some lessons taught by Spike Hunter and Rupert Carus from The Exiles group.
Upon returning to Romania, I continued training HEMA as a member of Societas Milites Getae (under the guidance of Răzvan Marinescu, Ionuț Zainea and Andrei Chirleșan) until the decision to form my own club, Iron Will HEMA Academy.
I originally got into HEMA because I wanted to play with sabres. In the meantime I reoriented myself towards swords. I think I was steered in that direction by reading (The Three Musketeers, Legends of Olympus, Treasure Island).
The things that attracted and retained me the most are: the fact that it is a serious martial art, the emphasis on individual study and research, and the camaraderie developed in the community.
Until March 09, 2020, when the club's activity was suspended due to the covid-19 pandemic, I was an Instructor in Iron Will HEMA Academy, in the formerly called Beginner and Advanced study categories (now there are 3 - Beginner, Practitioner and Expert).
And I also had the role of Pioneer, participating in the creation of the Curriculum for these former study categories, together with Andrei Chirlesan and Ana Maria Petrescu.
Currently, I have given up teaching and any other administrative duties in the club.
For the future, I am determined to research, deepen and master the fighting techniques for the Longsword as much as possible and test them in competitions.
Other hobbies besides HEMA include: computer programming, chess and drawing.