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Training Info

Trainings are held 2 times a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Wednesday's training session takes place from 19:00 to 22:00.
On Saturday the training session takes place from 11:00 to 14:00. 
The training sessions last 3 hours and there are 7, 8 or 9 training sessions per month, depending on the calendar. 
We insist that all Trainees be present in the locker room at least 15 minutes earlier than the hour when the training begins in order to have time to change into adequate equipment. The warm up will already begin by the times mentioned  (19.00, and 12.00, respectively).
We reserve the right to select our customers! 

Timeline of a training session

Our training sessions begin with a short series of warm-up exercises designed to increase blood flow to the muscle tissues, improving the trainees' mobility, reducing the risk of injury and increasing their capacity for exercise.

This is followed by the theoretical presentation of the concepts to be studied, their demonstration by the instructor and their practical application by the learners through the execution of specific drills. For more details please read our curriculum here.

Tradition and sources

In our club, we only teach Longsword.


The current curriculum is based on the teachings of Johannes Liechtenauer (German Longsword School), as detailed in the manuscripts left by (pseudo) Peter von Danzig zum IngolstadtSigmund Schining ain Ringeck and (pseudo) Hanko Döbringer.


The main resource we use to understand these manuscripts is the work "The Recital of the Chivalric Art of Fencing of the Grand Master Johannes Liechtenauer" in which the 3 mentioned sources have been transcribed, translated and systematized to allow a comparative reading. A work done by the team of: Michael Chidester, Dierk Hagedorn, Cory Winslow, Christian Trosclair, and Thomas Stoeppler.

However, there are other works by various authors that focus on the modern English translation of just one of the 3 glosses mentioned above. And we study these as well, in order to have the widest possible exposure. Different translation styles can lead to new mental connections.

In any case, regardless of which work we are referring to, these modern transcriptions and translations were interpreted by some of the Founding Members of Iron Will HEMA Academy, Andrei Chirleșan and Valentin Lungu, in their own style and with their own personal understanding, in order to create the Iron Will HEMA Academy Curriculum for the different study levels of the Academic branch (see below).

It is important to emphasize that HEMA is a martial art based on interpretative work, because unfortunately the living tradition of this martial art was passed down from master to apprentice only until the end of the Renaissance, when the weapons and techniques used became obsolete.

Therefore, HEMA practitioners are challenged to rediscover the lost tradition and offer their own interpretation of the techniques used; an interpretation which is achieved through their deductions from the source materials and through practical experiences in the hall.

This also applies to our Instructors. The way fighting concepts and techniques are taught within the club is just the current interpretation and this may change in the future, depending on the results of the continuous research and experimentation that our Instructors conduct.

We are, however, more than happy to discuss our interpretations with other members of other clubs who have other interpretations, or even study other traditions! Such as, for example, the Italian School, following the teachings of Fiore dei Liberi.

And of course, we are happy to test our interpretations in sparring, against those of our colleagues in the community!

We are also open to voluntary collaborations with historians and pure theorists who, although may not be interested in the applied and practical side of HEMA, want to help with research in this field.


  Find us here:

Verzișori Street 2, Bucharest, Romania


Modes of Study


Our Club offers a Curriculum split into 2 study branches: Academic si Freestyle

The Academic Branch is the option based on structure.

It consists of a planned Curriculum, split into Study Levels, each Study Level having a rotation of Themes that repeat in a predictable manner, each Theme consisting of a number of Drills, plus Sparring without limitations at the end of the training session. 

The Freestyle Branch is the unstructured option.

It consists of a flexible, ad-hoc approach to the topics studied at each training session, in combination with Sparring Games and Sparring without limitations at the end of the training session. 


<===> The Academic Branch.

The club holds training sessions on 5 study levels.

The levels are: Beginner, Practitioner, Expert, Master and Grandmaster.

After completing the Beginner level, the Student can be promoted to Practitioner and after Practitioner to Expert, and after passing the Expert level exam, the Student can continue their development at the club, at the Master study level, with the possibility of achieving the Grandmaster title. This last level has some pretty draconian conditions to reach (see below: "Progression and Roles within IWHA").

Anyone who wants to enroll in Iron Will HEMA Academy courses can choose their study branch (Academic or Freestyle), as well as their study level within the Academic branch, depending on their experience.

But those who want to start in the Academic branch directly from a level higher than the Beginner level will have to go through the Evaluation for the levels of study preceding the level they want to start at. Thus, those who wish to start directly at the Practitioner level, must pass the Evaluation for the Beginner level. Those who want to start at the Expert level, must pass both the Evaluation for the Beginner level, as well as the one for the Practitioner level. And those who consider themselves ready for the Master level, must go through all the Evaluations (Beginner, Practitioner, Expert). 

The lessons taught as part of the training sessions at the Academic branch consist of various concepts and techniques brought together within the same unit of study. We call these study units "themes". Each Theme deals with a specific topic from the general categories of: biomechanics, footwork, types of offensive techniques, types of defensive techniques or various tactics.


The Themes are repeated cyclically over the course of a study season, each Theme being taught for 2 consecutive training sessions, and then the next Theme in the rotation will be taught.

Even if some of the Students were not present at any of these 2 training sessions in which the respective topic was taught, we will move on to the next Theme at the next training session.

However, if absolutely all Students from a certain category are absent from a training session, then the corresponding Theme will be repeated at the next training session, for their benefit.

<===> The Freestyle Branch.

For the Freestyle branch, there is only one Level, due to the unstructured nature of this branch. 


All the Students that choose the Freestyle branch are considered to have the same level of skill, which is not precisely determined. There is no Evaluation exam that they can take within this branch. If they want to be precisely evaluated, they can either: 

- pass the Evaluation exams of the Academic branch OR

- perform well in international competitions and have their ability recognized in this manner (medals won, HEMA Ratings rank etc.)


The lessons taught at training in the Freestyle branch consist, just like for the Academic branch, of various concepts and techniques brought together under the same unit of study. But unlike the Academic branch, this study unit is more flexible, allowing for 2-3 topics to be taught in the same training that do not necessarily have a thematic connection between them. And the difficulty level of these topics can be from all the existing categories of the Academic branch (Beginner, Practitioner, Expert). 


However, just like for the Academic branch, these topics will still be a part of the IWHA Curriculum, meaning that they will be a specific topic from the general categories of: biomechanics, footwork, types of offensive techniques, types of defensive techniques or various tactics.


Another major difference between the Academic and Freestyle branches is that if in the Academic branch the Curriculum is traversed in a planned manner, with Themes determined in advance and with a predictable recurrence from one training to the next, in the Freestyle branch, the "Theme of the Day" is decided ad-hoc, on the spot, either directly by the Instructor, or at the suggestion of the Students in the salle, the training beginning with the Instructor asking the Students: "what would you like to study today?", then listening to their suggestions.

The final decision is always that of the Instructor, regardless of whether there is a majority in the salle, which desires a certain study topic, but the Instructor feels that the Students are not ready for that topic, or quite simply it is more opportune for their development to study a different topic. It is also possible that the Instructor may choose to pick a topic that is desired by a single Student or a minority in the salle. In any case, as a principle, the Instructor will try to teach what the Students want, but the final decision is the Instructor's.

The format of a training session in the Freestyle branch is the following: 

- 1 hour lesson with the Instructor (Theme of the Day)
- 1 hour* of Sparring Games (meaning still sparring, but limited, focused on specific objectives);
- 1 hour of full, unlimited Sparring (which overlaps with the hour of full Sparring of the colleagues from the Academic branch; all Students will fight together) 

*This hour of Sparring Games is optional and at the Instructor's behest. Who may decide that it is more important to use 2 hours to teach the Theme of the Day.

Ideally, if the gear offered by the club permits and is sufficient, training at the Freestyle branch will be done in full gear and with steel simulators. BUT:
- if there are at least 2 Students that do not wish to work in full gear and with steel, they can work with a plastic simulator, mask and Red Dragon gloves
- if the gear offered by the club is not sufficient, the Instructor may decide that all the Students will work sith a plastic simulator, mask and Red Dragon gloves
- in any case, the Club firmly recommends that all Students that are interested in the Freestyle branch should buy their own personal gear as fast as possible, as we encourage the Students at the Academic - Practitioner level and as is compulsory for the Students at the Academic - Expert level.

<===> For Students of both branches.

The prices and the payment system are the same for both branches.

The days and training hours are the same for both branches.


Students may choose to switch their study branch in both directions (from Freestyle to Academic or vice-versa), with the following mentions:

- those that move from Freestyle to Academic will study at the Level for which they have passed the Evaluation exam; if they have not passed any of the Academic Evaluation exams, they will start directly at the Beginner level;

- those that move from Academic to Freestyle have no requirements to meet, BUT if they return at the Academic branch, they will continue their studies at the Level at which they were, according to the Evaluation exams that they have passed.


Both categories of Students may participate at HEMA competitions and events IN THE CLUB'S NAME, only with the written approval or invitation of a club Administrator (Andrei Chirlesan or Cristian Tudose) and based on the recommendation of minimum one Instructor. Otherwise, if they get the recommendation that they are not ready and they insist in participating, they can participate only in their own name and without any club gear given by the club to help them out. 


When there are not enough Instructors in the sale for all the Academic Study Levels + the Theme of the Day at the Freestyle branch (for reasons of holidays, anniversaries, vacations, medical issues etc.), all the Students present, regardless of their branch or Study Level, will study with the Freestyle Instructor.

<===> Last Saturday Sparring
As suggested in the past by several students, we have decided that the last Saturday of every month (depending on how it falls on the calendar), will be a full day of just sparring which we call "Last Saturday Sparring."

Whenever the "Last Saturday Sparring" session takes place, no matter the study level, the lesson corresponding to that day will NOT be taught.


Those who come to the training session held on that date may choose between participating in sparring or spectating.

But to make it fair to Students who may wish to just study, and not do sparring, Last Saturday Sparring attendance is not compulsory.

Niveluri de Studiu

Length of a Season and Evaluation for the Academic Branch.

Season starts on October 1st and ends on September 30th next year.

These dates are approximate. In fact, we are referring to the first Wednesday or Saturday that falls at the beginning of October, and to the last Wednesday or Saturday that falls at the end of September of the following year.

There will be two evaluation sessions per year, (approximately) 6 months apart from each other: one session at the beginning of March (from the first day of training in March onwards), and one at the beginning of September (from the first day of training in September onwards).

The Evaluation consists of both theoretical and practical items.

The theoretical part will require the ones taking part in the evaluation to answer some questions, in their own words.

The practical part requires the Students to demonstrate the techniques they have learned in front of an Instructor, who will evaluate the success rate of their execution, from 10 or 20 repetitions of the examined technique.

Following the Evaluation, a total percentage will be calculated, this representing the Student's success rate in both the theoretical and practical items.

A certain percentage of correct answers or practical demonstrations is needed to be promoted to the next level of study (see below at "Progression and Roles in the IWHA Framework").

Attention! It is not mandatory for the student to register for the Evaluation sessions, and they can remain in the same study category until they feel ready. In other words, the enrollment for the Evaluation is optional and VOLUNTARY.

Attention! Once enrolled in the Evaluation, in order to be promoted from one category to another (Beginner -> Practitioner; Practitioner -> Expert; Expert -> Master), the Student must obtain the minimum percentage required for each level. In other words, passing the Evaluation is COMPULSORY.

Attention! The evaluation of any Student outside the 2 Evaluation sessions formally established for each academic season can take place, but only at the absolute discretion of the Evaluator and the club Administrators. They will decide, on a case-by-case basis, if there is time and human resources to evaluate one or more Students. If that is the case, they will set in advance (minimum 1 week), a fixed date for the Evaluation exam of each Student, with the consent of the Student in question. 

Attention! The promotion to the Expert level is also dependent on owning the mandatory protective equipment for the most rigorous protective requirements for this level of study, i.e. the most protective equipment required, for sparring at maximum intensity. See here the section called "Sparring at maximum intensity, with a NON-cooperating partner, with a steel weapon" from the list of protective equipment required for all levels of activity at the club

The reason for this decision is that the practical exercises (drills) from the Expert level of study require, by their nature, various items of protective gear. And, taken as a whole, the entire Expert Curriculum requires ALL the protective equipment, in its entirety, in order to study all the techniques safely.

Thus, in order to be promoted to Experts, BOTH conditions are mandatory CUMULATIVELY:  the minimum score required in the Evaluation + ownership of all the necessary protective equipment.

In the situation where a Student passes the Evaluation session but only has PART of the protective equipment required for the Expert level, he/she will NOT be allowed to start studying in at the Expert level until they have all the equipment.

BUT we do not link these 2 conditions (full gear + promotion of the evaluation) so strictly to each other. In the sense that any Student who passed the Practitioner Evaluation session is considered as promoted while they still need to buy the missing equipment. And they will be able to start studying at the Expert level the moment they have all the equipment. Until then, the Student in question will continue to study at the Practitioner level.

HOWEVER. Taking into account that the regular Evaluations take place every 6 months, if in 6 months the Student who has passed the Evaluation session for the Practitioner level does not buy the rest of the equipment they need, they will lose the "promoted" status and will have to be re-evaluated whenever they wishes to. We consider that 6 months is enough time to buy the "rest" of the equipment. We assume that a Student who has reached the Practitioner level and is motivated to take the Evaluation for this level already owns part of the equipment when they express this intention, otherwise they would not initiate the procedure for nothing...

Sezoane si Evaluare
Progression and Roles within IWHA

Within the club, we have a logical and clear system of quantifying both the technical progress that each enrolled Student makes and the contributions that any Student or other interested person can bring to the club.

Technical Progress measures a Student's ability to understand and apply the various concepts and techniques specific to the discipline of Longsword as it is studied within the Club.

Contributions to the club depend on the Role that a Student or any interested person may assume within the club. These contributions are also quantifiable and measured through our system.

For both measured categories, the club provides specific visual insignia that the Students can attach to their equipment in order to represent their technical level or their contribution to the Club.

For more details about the system, click on the button next to it.

Technical Progression and Roles in IWHA

Progresie si Roluri in Cadrul IWHA


There are three types of equipment required for HEMA.

  • sportswear: loose-fitting clothes that allow the skin to breathe and do not limit movement; and footwear that provides stability and a good grip on the ground.

  • protective equipment: specialized equipment, designed and manufactured in such a way as to be able to protect the wearer when practicing HEMA

  • simulators: replicas of medieval or renaissance weapons (wood, plastic, or steel), specially designed and produced for HEMA

Protective equipment

The necessary protective equipment varies depending on the activity performed within each Study Branch (Academic or Freestyle), each Academic Study Level and each Theme. Please read the detailed list here.

Equipment provided by the Club

For the Academic Branch, our club offers each Student the minimum equipment needed to start studying and practicing HEMA at the Beginner and Practitioner levels:

  • Rawlings Plastic Two-Handed Sword Simulator (with Extended Handle)

  • HEMA gloves, Red Dragon brand, designed for drills with plastic simulators

  • Fencing mask (350N)

For all Students, regardless of Study Branch or Study Level, we also offer minimum 4 COMPLETE sets of equipment, for the (1 hour) sparring interval at the end of each training session, so that interested Students can spar at maximum intensity, in safe conditions, even if they have no gear of their own. These sets consist of:

  • Two-Handed Sword Simulator (Federschwert) made of steel

  • Fencing mask

  • Occipital protection, SPES brand

  • Gorjet (neck protection)

  • Gambeson (specialized jacket for HEMA), of which we have: 

    • 3 Black Armory brand, sizes: S, M and L​

    • 1 SPES brand, custom size for a medium-sized woman

    • 1 Red Dragon brand, custom size for a medium-sized man

    • 4 Valeriu Bumb (KdF) brand, sizes 1 x M, 2 x M/L si 1 x L

  • Leather breastplate (extra chest protection) 

  • Leather apron (extra protection for groin and thighs)

  • Elbow protectors, SPES brand

  • Forearm protectors, SPES brand

  • Sparring gloves for steel, brand SPES Heavies

  • Knee pads, brand SPES

  • Shins, brand SPES


Each item of equipment provided by the club has a unique code printed on it with the marker, so you can easily distinguish it from other items (club-owned or personal).

Students can use the equipment mentioned above (either for studying in the Freestyle Branch, or for studying at the Academic Beginner and Practitioner Study Levels, or for Sparring, as the case may be), throughout the entirety of their study period at the club.

However, each item of equipment provided by the club will be given to a student assuming that the loan has a temporary nature, intended to facilitate the safe and efficient start of their HEMA study. But it is the responsibility of the students, as they progress and gain experience, to purchase their own equipment as quickly as possible, freeing up club equipment in order to help other new colleagues who are at the beginning of their journey in HEMA and would benefit from the gear

Attention!  We recall what we mentioned in the "Evaluation" section.

In addition to the minimum percentage required to be promoted to the Expert level, it is mandatory for a Student interested in achieving this level to own all the protective equipment required for this study category. The list of the required equipment can be found here. Scroll down the document to the Expert category, at the section called "Sparring at maximum intensity, with a NON-cooperating partner, with a steel weapon".

Also, for the Freestyle Branch, it is extremely recommended that all Students interested in studying in this branch should buy all the protective gear mentioned above for the Expert Level. This will allow the Freestyle Instructor to work with them all of the techniques. Otherwise, if there is not enough club gear to loan for the lesson in question, or it does not fit, they will have to be content with the techniques that can be worked without the required protective gear! 

Regulament de Ordine Interna

Internal Order Regulation

Safety rules are imperative and non-negotiable.
HEMA is a contact sport. If the rules regarding the necessary protective equipment, as well as the instructions given by the Instructors in this regard are not followed, there is a risk of serious injuries.

Therefore, no violation of the safety rules and protective equipment required for each study activity will be tolerated.

⚡For the first offense of this kind, the student will receive a warning from the instructor and a time-out on the sidelines.

⚡For the second offense of this kind, the student will leave the training room and lose that training session.

⚡For the third violation, by the decision of the club's management, the student may definitively lose the right to come to the club's training sessions, regardless of whether they have already paid and the month is not over.

Attention! Mandatory protective equipment is stipulated here.

Do not challenge the instructions given.

When the instructors make a statement related to the training that does not violate the laws of Romania, signaling that it is in an official capacity, the students will execute it without any objections.

⚡When that instruction is not executed and it is disputed, a warning will be issued.

⚡The second contestation to the same instruction will result in a warning and 10 push-ups (or 30 squats for those who can't do push-ups).


⚡In case of a third contestation to the same instruction, the student will leave the training room!

⚡If the instructors will still continue to be challenged after this disciplinary action, by the decision of the club management, the student may definitively lose the right to come to the club's training sessions, regardless of whether he/she has paid and the month has not ended.

No interruptions.

Do not interrupt the instructor when teaching, explaining or giving instructions.

⚡If this rule is not followed, a warning will initially be issued.

⚡On the second offense, a warning will be issued and the student will have to do 10 push-ups (or 30 squats for those who can't do push-ups).


⚡On the third violation, the student will leave the training room!


The students will not interrupt each other either.

⚡When this rule is not followed, a warning will initially be issued.

⚡On the second offense, the student will get a warning and will have to do 10 push-ups (or 30 squats for those who can't do push-ups).


⚡On the third offense, the student will leave the training room!

Attention! When someone has something to say or if there are questions, raise your hand.

Public conduct and serious misconduct.

The following behaviours will not be tolerated:

🚫Using the HEMA equipment and studied techniques for acts of violence against other people, besides the activities within the training premises and the use of violence inherent in this sport, which we are carrying out in a controlled environment and supervised by instructors.

🚫Appearing at public events in HEMA gear, with or without a steel training weapon, except for HEMA events or associated events (historical reenactment, SCA, BOTN, etc.).

🚫ANY other misconduct not expressly provided in the aforementioned rules, but which affects the safety and smooth functioning of HEMA in Romania and/or could potentially harm Iron Will HEMA Academy as a whole.

Attention! With respect to students enrolled at Iron Will, what constitutes such serious misconduct will be discussed by the Iron Will Board on a case-by-case basis. We appeal to reason and common sense to avoid such situations.

Attention! For all the above violations the penalty is permanent removal from training without prior warning!

Personal responsibility and discipline during training.

It is the personal responsibility of the students to come to the training session on time. The training sessions start at the scheduled times, with no delays and no waiting for the students. Whoever will be late, will lose that part of the training.

Gym shoes MUST be very clean on the sole. They will NOT be used outside the training room. If they are also used outside, they will be WASHED on the sole before re-entering the room with them.

In rented martial arts halls, we usually find either tatami mats or wooden floors. Both are assets of the gym owners, and like any asset, they cost money! Therefore, it is also the responsibility of the students to not damage these assets in any way.

Students are responsible for the equipment they receive, as follows:

✅A. know the identification number of the items given to them for use by the club (mask, Red Dragon gloves and plastic sword) and are responsible at the beginning of training, after the warm-up, to take these items from the storage area themselves. If they missed the warm-up because they were late, the first thing they will do upon entering the gym will be to get their equipment from the storage area.

✅B. during the training session they shall keep the equipment they are given in one place, on the sidelines. Not over the instructors' equipment, and not thrown in with the rest of the club equipment. NEVER leave discarded equipment on the work surface. Neither on the surface of the ring after sparring.

✅C. the students must know at all times where their assigned equipment is.

✅D. when sparring, each student MUST have a colleague who helps them get dressed, i.e. a "Squire". The Squire is responsible for fully equipping them, including mounting the occipital overlay on the mask (if not already on), putting on the leather apron, taking the rest of the necessary equipment from those who have finished sparring (elbow pads, knee pads, etc. ) and the other operations necessary to help equipping their colleague QUICKLY and EFFICIENTLY. We also recommend that each Iron Will student chooses a permanent Squire from among their fellow students, BUT, if that person is not present at a certain training session, during that training, to randomly choose another Squire immediately after the technical study part is over and we move on to the sparring stage.

✅E. at the end of training, the students will be responsible for taking their equipment back to the storage area, carefully placing it WHERE THEY TOOK IT FROM. They are also responsible for taking home the white gloves provided to them free of charge, on a permanent basis, by the club and washing them at appropriate intervals.

✅F. Students may be required from time to time to take their fencing mask home and wash it according to the official instructions given by the instructors. They have an obligation to do this carefully, following EXACTLY those instructions and in a timely manner, determined together with the instructors.  


Penalties for violating the above rules:

⚡1. For entering the gym with dirty shoes on the soles, the respective training is lost.

⚡2. For damages caused to the tatami or the floor, the penalty is the payment of the damage caused to the owner of the hall out of the Student's own money. We mention here that Iron Will Instructors are also subject to the same rule and penalty. 

⚡3. For violating the rule regarding knowing the identification number of the objects given by the club and taking them at the beginning of training from the storage space:
- for the first offense, a warning
- for the second offense, 10 push-ups and a ban from participating in the first drill (or the next if they were late and did not take their equipment from the storage area before coming to the work area)
- for the third violation, leaving the gym and losing the respective training
- for the fourth violation, the possibility for Iron Will HEMA Academy to decide, on a case-by-case basis, whether it will accept the person in question to attend its courses further.

⚡4. For violation of the rule regarding the gathering of the equipment put into use into one, single, place, on the sidelines, close to the work surface:
- for the first offense, a warning
- for the second offense, 10 push-ups and a ban from participating in the next drill or sparring
- for the third violation, leaving the gym and losing the respective training
- for the fourth violation, the possibility for Iron Will HEMA Academy to decide, on a case-by-case basis, whether it will accept the person in question to attend its courses further.

⚡5. For violating the rule regarding the care for the equipment given by the club and knowing its location at all times:
- for the first offense, a warning
- for the second offense, 10 push-ups and a ban from participating in the next drill or sparring
- for the third violation, leaving the gym and losing the respective training
- for the fourth violation, the possibility for Iron Will HEMA Academy to decide, on a case-by-case basis, whether it will accept the person in question to attend its courses further.

⚡6. For breaking the rule regarding either finding a Squire or not fulfilling the obligation to help as a Squire, the penalty will be losing the right to spar at that training.

⚡7. For the violation of the rule regarding bringing the equipment given by the club back to the storage area and its proper storage at the end of the training, as well as the rule of not leaving the white inner gloves used for drills unattended:
- for the first offense, a warning
- for the second offense, 10 push-ups and a ban from participating in the next drill or sparring
- for the third violation, leaving the gym and losing the respective training
- for the fourth violation, the possibility for Iron Will HEMA Academy to decide, on a case-by-case basis, whether to accept the person in question in its courses
*we mention here that not taking the white gloves home and/or not washing them will not be sanctioned by the club, as long as they are not left unattended around the gym and are at the very least stored together with the equipment in use (we prefer, however, that they are taken home).

⚡8. For refusing to take the fencing mask given by the club home to wash it, the penalty is the loss of the next practice. For the situation where the student agrees to take the fencing mask home and wash it, but does not follow the officially given instructions in this regard and damage occurs, the penalty is the payment of the fencing mask if damage beyond repair has been caused. In this case, the damaged mask becomes the property of the student in question.

Preturi si Modalitati de Plata

Prices and Payment Methods

We have a flexible payment system, which includes both fractional payment, for a limited number of trainings in a month, as well as a fixed amount (flat rate) for all possible trainings in one month.


This system is based on the responsibility of each Student to make a decision, by the 10th of the current month, regarding the time they have at their disposal. So that they ANTICIPATE and ESTIMATE as precisely as possible how many trainings they will attend during that month, and then pay the amount in question, for that number of trainings. 


Depending on the calendar (the total number of Wednesdays and Saturdays, which varies) 7, 8 or 9 training sessions can be held in a month. 


We took 8 training sessions as a calculation average and reference.

The prices are as follows: 

1                  training session   ->   60 ron 

2                  training sessions -> 110 ron

3                  training sessions -> 150 ron

4                  training sessions -> 180 ron 

5, 6, 7, 8, 9 training sessions -> 275 ron


As you can see, the price PER TRAINING (60 ron // 55 ron // 50 ron // 45 ron), for 1, 2, 3, or 4 trainings, is HIGHER than it would be if we divided RON 275 by the reference of 8 possible trainings in a month, on average
(275 / 8 = 34.375 ron).


The reason for this is that we want to reward the Students who come to training more often. And we also want the system to be economically efficient for the club, taking into account that we offer a lot of free equipment (<- which is pricey) and dedicated Instructors (<- who put in hours of work). 


Therefore, those who come more often (from 5 training sessions/month upwards) are rewarded with a flat rate of 275 RON. In other words, for any number of trainings higher than 5, the payment amount does not increase, but remains fixed at 275 ron, regardless of whether the person in question participates in 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 training sessions.  


Those who come to less than 5 training sessions, will end up paying more PER TRAINING (60 ron // 55 ron // 50 ron // 45 ron per training), compared to what they would pay if they came to at least 5 trainings (34.375 ron / training).

Another important mention is that considering a past proposal of several students, we decided that the last Saturday of every month (depending on how it falls in the calendar), will be a full day of  just sparring. Which we call "Last Saturday Sparring." 

On the date that "Last Saturday Sparring" takes place, the lesson of the day will NOT be taught.


Those who come to the training session that day have a choice between participating in sparring or spectating.


To be fair to the Students who potentially don't want to spar, just study, the attendance at Last Saturday Sparring is not compulsory.

But the Students that do choose to participate will pay for this training like for any other training that is held by the club. 

For each new Student, the first training, which counts as a demo trainingis free!

Regular payment will be made until the 10th of the current month of training.


The person who does not pay by the 10th of the current month may lose the right to come to training until they pay

ATTENTION! Please make the payment by transaction only, directly to our company's bank account.

ATTENTION! In the "Payment details" field only write "HEMA courses" and the month you are paying for.
Example: "HEMA courses - October".

IBAN code (RON)

IBAN code (EUR)

SWIFT code

BIC code

Beneficiary Name






Iron Will HEMA SRL

ING Bank Romania

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